Small Multiples Map
Despite using R and its various graphing facilities I have somehow managed not to have stumbled across Bob Rudis. I recently noticed his ggalt package which has some similarities overlap to stuff I have tried to do in phylogeo. This inspired me to give a quick whirl to the small-multiples style of charts, of which the following is a small, reproducible example. When put into combination with the updated projections and higher-res mapdata of the [maps package] ( (natural earth 1:50m.)
After googling around looking for some links I’m seeing some really nice maps made with the current R-geography stack. Check out Austin Wehrwein and Bob Rudis. Very nice. I love d3.js for maps but its tough to compete with R for making static maps within your analytic workflow.
So heres a simple small multiple map with ggplot, and ggalt.
Loading the data#
#get data
dflats <- read.csv(file="", sep=",")
twoletters <- read.csv(file="", sep=",")
crimedf <- USArrests %>%
add_rownames(var = "state") %>%
reshape2::melt() %>%
left_join(twoletters, by=c("state" = "name_long")) %>%
left_join(dflats, by= c("name_short" = "state")) %>%
filter(!name_short %in% c('AK','HI'))
usa <- map_data("usa")
ggplot() +
geom_map(data = usa,
aes(x=long, y=lat, map_id=region), fill="gray90") +
theme_bw() +
aes(x= longitude, y=latitude, size=value)) +